
Influencing Our Credit Union Community

To promote interest and cooperation between credit unions and credit union members within the Chapter area.

To assist the GoWest Credit Union Association in furthering the organization, development and educational programs for credit unions.

To provide meetings of credit unions in this chapter area for the purpose of interchanging ideas and information of mutual interest.

To promote, or assist other chapters with the observance of International Credit Union Week, which is held every year in October during the week of the third Thursday as a celebration of credit union membership.

To promote the credit union philosophy among credit union members and the public within the Chapter area by means of print and electronic media; publications of news items concerning credit unions or persons associated with them; special observances at public events; and other customary ethical means.

To support the Washington credit union Political Action Committee in promoting legislation favorable to credit unions.

Credit Union Areas of Interest

Access to Credit

Access to Credit

Credit unions are uniquely positioned to provide access to affordable credit. Providing opportunities for families to move up their financial path towards financial security is one great way we can impact our communities.

Appropriate Technology

Appropriate Technology

Technology should be carefully assessed before providing solutions to meet the needs of recipients. Appropriate technology is required for sustained and viable development efforts and may relate to products and equipment or it may have to do with building institutions and organizations.



Universal education is not available in many countries. Lack of education may be due to lack of facilities and teachers, little income to pay for books and uniforms, children needed as income earners, and resistance to socio-economic change. We believe that education provides better informed consumers, healthier families and more enlightened leadership

Employment and Income Generation

Employment & Income

The inability of countries to provide employment for their citizens creates many challenges because the poor are found mainly in rural areas of the world. Urban migration is accelerating the growth of towns and cities making the creation of enough jobs to meet demands difficult. Income generation is crucial to families achieving economic security and most often comes from working a traditional job. Access to credit that generates productive results is the key to more income and family security.



After years of passive tolerance of deforestation and carbon monoxide generation and with the attendant threats of global warming and ozone depletion, concern for our environment has become universal.



In the U.S. today, millions of Americans suffer from obesity; yet lack of access to adequate food supplies for hungry families is becoming a part of the American landscape. One in seven Americans will live in food insecure homes. Millions die each year from hunger and solving the problem of hunger is a slow process which ties to solving poverty issues.



Next to hunger, health care is the biggest problem facing developing nations. Most public health expenditures are curative rather than preventative—health facilities (when available) are over crowed, understaffed and lacking in equipment and medicine. Health care has become one of America’s biggest challenges. Today in America, millions of citizens lack health insurance.



Up to one quarter of the world’s population lacks adequate shelter. In the developing world, construction materials are not suitable long term solutions and potable water, sewage disposal and electricity may or may not be available. High rent is common with landlords having minimal constraints. In the U.S., housing concerns relate to rent affordability, high home costs, and mortgage rates, terms and availability.



Many global institutions do not support democratic principles. Democratic experiences are rare for many developing countries due to low literacy rates, continuity of traditional power, ethnic/tribal differences and political and cultural traditions.

Savings Mobilization

Savings Mobilization

Financial investments are part of the common decisions made by Americans each day. However, we believe Americans need better saving and retirement plans. In other areas of the world, the idea of household savings might seem unattainable. Many global institutions do not provide options for small savers—forcing them to save in commodities or goods.



Did you know 88% of Americans drive to work? Access to a dependable car has a great impact on a family’s ability to earn money. In developing nations, transportation in rural areas is difficult and costly. Many credit unions provide affordable vehicle financing options to the members they serve to help build financial security.

Women in Development

Women in Development

Due to tradition and the demands of raising families, the roles of women are often hidden. In some countries, women are discouraged to participate in their community’s advancement due to cultural norms. Even in America today, pay equality between genders has not been achieved.